Marvel has a sitcom now?

A look into Marvel’s newest show, WandaVision

Wanda Vision featured on Disney +

Owen Parker, Lifestyle Editor

Marvel Studios is arguably one the most successful and well-liked franchises in modern pop-culture. Despite the overwhelming obstacles, Marvel managed to tell one continuous, connected, and engaging story over an 11 year period starting with Iron Man in 2008 and concluding the story in 2019 with Avengers: Endgame. But if the story was over, was the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) finished too? 

Although Endgame did conclude the larger, overarching, story and many other subplots, the film and its predecessor, Avengers: Infinity War, left many stories unfinished and questions unanswered. One question, in particular, was how Wanda Maximoff would deal with the death of her loved one, Vision, after Thanos ripped the mind stone from his head.  

WandaVison is a perfect example of how unique and creative storytelling can revitalize a franchise as well as move it in a new direction. Marvel wasn’t afraid to take risks with WandaVison and I have really enjoyed all of what it is, as a TV show, and as the latest and most recent MCU installment. 

WandaVison separates itself from most other TV shows by structuring each episode as a sitcom from various eras of television. One episode was based on Bewitched, another on The Brady Bunch, and, in the latest episode, Modern Family and The Office were the inspiration.

What I like is that this trend doesn’t just affect how each episode plays out story-wise, but in each episode, Wanda and her “co-stars” all have appropriate era costumes and the sets even look like the sets from their respective TV show. 

The sitcom is a staple of television but, WandaVison’s way of storytelling is fresh, intriguing, and never been done before which gives me hope that Marvel and other studios are beginning to think more outside of the box as new content is planned and released.

Although each episode appears to be a sitcom, WandaVison, as a series, is not meant to be watched as one, and this is what, initially, caused a lot of confusion among viewers. 

When the show was first released, most viewers didn’t understand this style of storytelling, and, as such, they watched the show as if it were actually just a sitcom featuring two marvel characters.

Unfortunately, when the episodes would finish, many viewers would be left confused and frustrated that the newest piece of marvel media was nothing more than a mediocre and boring sitcom, not a traditional Marvel story, but the show has more than meets the eye. 

The creators of the show intended the audience to infer there was something wrong with the sitcoms based on a variety of clues left throughout the episodes, but, unfortunately, many people didn’t get the memo.

As WandaVision continued and more episodes were released, however, certain story beats and characters were revealed and introduced to the show, which, I think, helped confused viewers better understand how WandaVsion was telling its story. 

WandaVison, unlike most other Marvel movies or TV shows, is a mystery similar to Stranger Things, where the viewers know just as much as the characters do when it first begins, and as the story develops more and more information is revealed.

Keen viewers, however,  can find clues in every episode that can help “pull back the curtain” of the story to a certain degree, which can help immerse people into the story and the world of WandaVision even more. 

WandaVison’s narrative is by far one of the most interesting, thrilling, and fun stories marvel has told to date.

Some moments are really wholesome and sweet, especially seeing the developing relationship between Wanda and Vision, and some moments are super nerve-wracking and scary like in the moments where Wanda is angry or Vision contemplates where he is and how he got there. 

As good as the story is, it would only be half as interesting or realistic if not for the absolutely phenomenal acting of both Elizabeth Olson and Paul Bettany as Wanda and Vision respectively.

Olson captures every single scene she is in, and she manages to make Wanda and her emotions feel real and authentic. Paul Bettany has excellent on-screen chemistry with Wanda, every one of their romantic scenes feels real and every time we see Vison  confused or questioning it is genuine and consistent.

Truly both Olson and Bettany have come into their own in WandaVison and I can only hope it will continue in other marvel projects as well. 

Overall, WandaVison had a bit of a rocky start but, as with most things, as time went on it found itself and has become a true hit and a major win for Marvel and Disney+.

The unique framing of the story that draws elements from the mystery genre along with the fantastic narrative and phenomenal acting make WandaVison a must-see for any MCU or TV fan alike.

I have had so much fun watching and theorizing about it and I can’t wait to see what new clues and twists are left in store for the final two remaining episodes. As both an MCU and a TV fan I give WandaVison a solid eight and a half out of ten, it is a must-watch.