Mount Pisgah Christian School has decided to add new electives for the upcoming school year to give students a broader range of classes to choose from.
The new elective options have made students excited for next year because they will have the chance to learn new skills and experience new subjects.
Adding more elective options will give students the chance to explore their interests and learn skills that will benefit in the future.
“We decided to add electives for several reasons. First, we wanted students to have more choices. No two students are alike, and electives allow students to explore areas that interest them and may eventually spark a new passion,” said Upper School Principal Marie Woods.
Students will now be able to discover the world of business, take different forms of art and many other extended subjects that are career focused.
“I think I will learn a lot with these new elective options because I heard in Adulting 101 there are lessons people are learning that I would not think you would learn in school and could be very beneficial for building skills,” said sophomore Harley Cameron.
For this current school year, there were already new electives that students could take like Mr. Durrance’s music class, Coach Stearns’ law class and Mr. Perry’s 3D printing class.
“The elective that interested me the most was law because it will be most beneficial to my career path and help me explore the world of law and grow my knowledge on the career,” said sophomore Brianny Rosado.
Students look forward to next year and the chance to explore new interests.
“We hope that by providing rich programming, mentorship, and real-world experiences, students will enjoy deeper and more meaningful learning opportunities,” Woods added.