Spotify and Apple Music: the two most popular music streaming apps. But out of the two which one is better and why?
Based on the number of users, Spotify is the more popular of the two. The majority of people claim its features are better than Apple Music’s.
Hannah Karadsheh is a fan of using Spotify.
“I like Spotify because I feel like it’s easier to use. I’ve used Apple Music before and I like Spotify a lot more because it’s less glitchy. Spotify has a better color scheme and I can have unlimited playlists,” said Karadsheh.
Spotify has 675 million users worldwide. Spotify has a student discount and costs $1 more for individuals and families compared to Apple Music. You can use the app without a membership. Spotify includes not only music but podcasts, unlimited playlists, the ability to follow friends and you can download music to listen to offline.
Sophia Mason prefers to use Apple Music.
“I like Apple Music because it’s super easy to queue songs on your playlists and you can fade the songs together. It’s better than Spotify because it’s cheaper and it’s easier to use because I have an Apple iPhone,” said Mason.
Apple music has 93 million subscribers worldwide. Apple music has a student discount and is cheaper than Spotify for families and individuals by $1. You can’t use the app without a membership, unlike Spotify where there is a free option with advertisements. Apple Music has monthly wraps, which is different from Spotify’s yearly wrap. However, both apps have timed lyrics, shared playlists and they make tailored playlists for users to listen to.
Both apps have their different features that are great for listening to music, but each have different features. Which one is better all depends on the person’s preference. But from all the information gathered, Spotify still seems to be the better choice of the two.