I can almost guarantee that everyone in the Upper School knows who Jose is, but if you don’t, you may know him as the, “God Bless you” guy.
Jose is one of the cleaning service members at our school. He is constantly striving to keep our school clean, safe and welcoming to all of us and new families touring.
But he does not stop there, he is always ready to lend a helping hand when you need one, and give you a warm smile as you walk past him.
Without fail, every time I see Jose, he is always asking me how my day is going and if I need anything.
As we walk around our school everyday we may take for granted how blessed we are and how many of the people we pass in the hallway have a story to share. We see the same kitchen and cleaning staff each day, yet we don’t engage in conversation or take the time to acknowledge they are part of our community.
Jose Jesus was born and raised in Mexico City. He moved to the United States in 1995 and started his cleaning business in 2003. He came to Georgia initially but then moved to Indiana in 2019 where he stayed there until last January.
Jose has worked at the school for a year now and blesses us everyday with his cheerfulness and positivity.
When asked how he always stays so positive when working he said, “The Lord is my strength and everything I do is for Him.”
Jose offers words of wisdom for upper school students.
“In everything you do, give glory to God and stick with Him until the end.”
Jose is a kind person who blesses us every day with his positive attitude and servant-like heart.
Let us be mindful to greet the individuals who support us and to bless people like Jose does. A kind word or smile goes a long way.