During the school year, students gravitate toward listening to music to help them study. However, some question whether this habit is beneficial or detrimental to students’ success.
Many students mistakenly believe that multitasking is possible. Contrary to popular belief, listening to music and studying simultaneously requires more effort, which sacrifices information retention.
Studying for any assessment requires one to replicate the exam environment while reviewing.
“If you have music going on in the background when you study, it’s going to be easier to recall that information if you also have music on in the background when you take the exam,” says cognitive psychologist Brian Anderson.
In comparison, studies have shown that listening to music enables the right and left brains to work simultaneously, ensuring maximum learning.
Additionally, music can reduce stress by relaxing the mind and allowing one to concentrate on one’s work.
Depending on the subject I am working on, I find music helpful while doing my schoolwork.
Listening to music has always helped me to find a rhythm when working. For example, when doing math homework, I listen to pop music to keep my brain working at a consistent pace.
While many argue that this music will distract me or prevent me from retaining information, I sometimes associate certain songs with the things I am learning to help me remember different facts.
Overall, music helps one’s brain become more active and creates a stress-free environment for students.
Here is a playlist to help you study.