Mount Pisgah rents facilities to public
March 5, 2020
Beginning during the 2019-2020 school year, Mount Pisgah initiated a program to officially rent their spaces for public use. Some of these spaces include South Hall, the LEC, the Student Commons, and the Patriot Café.
Head of school Ruston Pierce jump-started this program when he was hired in 2018. Because private schools do not have allocated funds from the government like public schools do, they are often trying to find alternative revenue streams to cover costs not paid for by tuition.

“[Renting our spaces is] an easy way for us to help the local community and get a little benefit from it,” said Pierce.
When the school began renting it was very minimal. To allow for its expansion, Ana Fischer was hired as the Special Events Manager in 2019. She coordinates all bookings and events.
If somebody is interested in renting a space, they can contact Fischer and come in for a tour. Catering through FLIK Dining, security done by Officer Lee, and photography can be added for additional costs. Everything is set up before arrival, and guests will be granted access to the space 15 minutes before the booking time begins.
All the revenue from renting these facilities goes directly back to the school. The profits this year alone have allowed the school to purchase new technology for all of the venues.
“I think it is a great way to show [prospective families] the school because every time we bring people in here we are advertising the school,” said Fischer.
The Young Men’s Service League (YMSL) rents these spaces often for meetings, and sorority groups have monthly meetings booked through a yearly contract. The special events team is open to hosting any type of event, from birthday parties to ballet performances. There is also a significant discount available for students and parents of Mount Pisgah.
“This is the second year in a row our organization has used Mount Pisgah’s facilities for our meetings and events,” said YMSL Johns Creek Chapter President Wendy Stanley.
“Everything is in perfect condition, the AV system is state of the art, and they are organized and easy to work with.”