Finn Howard: bringing chivalry back to Mount Pisgah

Georgia Gansereit, Assistant Editor

In our society today, it seems as though the act of chivalry is dead. However, recently this has been proved untrue, thanks to one Mount Pisgah student. 

If anyone has attended a pep rally or chapel this year, chances are they probably had the door held open for them by one familiar face—sophomore Finn Howard. 

But, why does he choose to hold the door open for so many people?

“It’s largely a function of my parents [bringing] me up that way,” says Howard, “they’re strong believers in the concept of chivalry.”

Howard also says that one of the best parts about holding the door is people’s reactions. “It’s mainly just a lot of confusion and odd stares—specifically from people who have never seen me do it before.”

Not only does Howard hold the door for people exiting the gym, but, somehow, he is able to also hold open the door of Geier Hall at what seems to be the exact same time. 

Many may be wondering, how exactly does he get from door to door so fast? 

Well, Howard attributeshis amazing speed to his “long legs and fast pace.” This also comes in handy during the cross country season, and could potentially help Howard on the track team this spring. He is also involved with the math team and chess club, and he serves in the Young Men’s Service League. 

Howard is living proof that the act of chivalry is, in fact, not dead, and that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a great impact on others.