Cheerleaders Rise to the Challenge
October 6, 2021

The Mount Pisgah cheerleaders and coaches have been working hard since May so that they can put on a fabulous show on the sidelines during Friday night lights.
The team has 25 cheerleaders, seven of which are seniors. The team captains of the cheerleading team are Hallie Cameron, Ansley Austin, and Karly Greene.
The three goals of the team this season are to increase flexibility, improve their stunts and get some new material, and build the whole cheer family.
New to this year, to work on their flexibility and stances, the strength and conditioning coach Jon Miller has the cheerleaders working out and lifting weights on Mondays.
“Flexibility is huge for cheerleading, we do a lot of flexibility exercises, mobility in the hips, that will help them be able to perform. It’s sport specific for cheerleading,” Miller continues,” We do a lot of core, legs, deadlifts, squats, pushes, and things of that nature that will help them with their game.”
Mount Pisgah cheerleading head coach Shannon Heotaky also speaks on the girl’s weightlifting, “I think it ha
s helped with them taking themselves more seriously as a squad.”
The cheerleaders have new stunts that they have been working on since the choreography camp where they also learn their one and-a-half-minute halftime routine.
Heotaky also shouted out the team this year and specifically the 5 freshmen on the team saying, “They have all cheered before so they have really worked hard, learning all the new cheers and just all the new material.”
Junior team captain, Ansley Austin, couldn’t have concluded it all any better saying, “Cheer definitely has been different this year but in really positive ways. This year we have been able to cheer to full student sections, travel to all away games, and have team bonding dinners which we were unable to do last year due to covid.”